RAS Porch Pickup Program

Before covid-19, the club held monthly auctions. Auctions are of course a highlight for many, as they provide a way of getting nice healthy fish, plants, and invertebrates. They also provide a way for club members to make their stuff available to others in a way that "gives back" to the club.

Auctions have also been an important part of the BAP & HAP programs, as the main way for breeders to show the results of their activities and earn points.

With auctions and other activities effectively on hold due to covid-19, we've been looking for alternate ways to enable sharing of goods while also benefiting the club.

As a result, we now have a "porch pickup donation" option on our web page, that allows people to make small donations to the club in return for member items. The idea is that those who have fish, plants and invertebrates to give away (i.e. a "supplier") can make them available as a "porch pickup" in return for a donation to the club. The amount of the donation is completely up to the supplier.

This is a bit of an experiment, and we may adjust details in response to experience and feedback. But it is intended especially for BAP members to share their items.

More details can be found on the Porch Pickup Program page.

Thomas Narten

RAS President